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I miei articoli & Pubblicazioni

My articles on pubmed

List of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals 

How dietary calcium and vitamin D3 influence colon carcinogenis in mice

This article in Journal of nutrition study how dietary calcium and cholecalciferol modulate cyclin D1 expression, apoptosis, and tumorigenesis in the intestine of adenomatous polyposis coli1638N/+ mice.

My blog on Nastro Viola (Purple bow - pancreatic cancer awareness association)

I support pancreatic cancer awareness by helping patients and their family to go through challenging, times such as chemo,  by providing individual nutrition plan.

Publication on obesity and breast cancer

This publication on Cancer Prevention Research describes how obesity is associated with inflammation and elevated aromatase expression in the mouse mammary gland.

How inflammation in the colon is inhibited by naturally produced omega-3 in mice

This paper in the Journal of Nutrition Biochemistry analyzes how inflammasome (Cox-2 expression, PGE(2) and cytokines production) is inhibited by endogenously synthesized n-3 PUFAs in inflamed colon of fat-1 mice.

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La Dott.ssa Claudia Gravaghi è una  Nutrizionista | Intuitivo perdita di peso | Nutrizionista a Londra

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